Epidemic Network

Experimental environment for testing of large array of theoretical conditions for development epidemic event within various quantitative, spatial and connectedness (network structure) aspects.


What Epidemic Network can do for you

Experimental environment for testing of large array of theoretical conditions for development epidemic event within various quantitative, spatial and connectedness (network structure) aspects.


seedintegerrandom generator seed number used as random-seed seed.
initial-householdsintegerinitial count of households.
population-coefficientintegerhousehold size variance coefficient (mean of exponential distribution).
initial-clustersintegerinitial count of clusters/settlements.
cluster-radius-min, cluster-radius-maxintegerminimum/maximum cluster radius used to sample a random cluster radius from an uniform distribution, as in-radius (min-cluster-radius + (random max-cluster-radius)).
search-radiusintegermaximum search distance to establish links.
max-connectionsintegermaximum number of connections (links) per distance range.
initial-infectedintegernumber of initial cases or people agents initialised with the "incubation" stage and a stochastic state of stage 1 counter.
max-daily-contactsintegermaximum number of connections to be considered contacts each day.
duration-latent-mean, duration-latent-stddevfloatMean and standard deviation of duration of the latent stage of the disease, used in random-normal duration-latent-mean duration-latent-stddev.
duration-prodromal-mean, duration-prodromal-stddevfloatMean and standard deviation of duration of the prodromal stage of the disease, used in random-normal duration-prodromal-mean duration-prodromal-stddev.
duration-contagious-mean, duration-contagious-stddevfloatMean and standard deviation of duration of the contagious stage of the disease, used in random-normal duration-contagious-mean duration-contagious-stddev.
mortality-ratefloatAverage mortality rate applied to all individuals (people) in the population.
transmission-prob-range1-mean, transmission-prob-range1-stddevfloatMean and standard deviation of transmission probability towards people within range 1 (search-radius * 0.125), used in random-normal transmission-prob-range1-mean transmission-prob-range1-stddev.
transmission-prob-range2-mean, transmission-prob-range2-stddevfloatMean and standard deviation of transmission probability towards people within range 2 (search-radius * 0.25), used in random-normal transmission-prob-range2-mean transmission-prob-range2-stddev.
transmission-prob-range3-mean, transmission-prob-range3-stddevfloatMean and standard deviation of transmission probability towards people within range 3 (search-radius * 0.5), used in random-normal transmission-prob-range3-mean transmission-prob-range3-stddev.
transmission-prob-range4-mean, transmission-prob-range4-stddevfloatMean and standard deviation of transmission probability towards people within range 4 (search-radius), used in random-normal transmission-prob-range4-mean transmission-prob-range4-stddev.
range1-search-radius-share, range2-search-radius-share, range3-search-radius-share, range4-search-radius-sharefloatthe proportion of search-radius effective for each transmission range.
range1-initial-connections-share, range2-initial-connections-share, range3-initial-connections-share, range4-initial-connections-sharefloatthe proportion of max-connections from which a random sample is taken as initial contacts of the infected people for each distance range.


pos-spreadintegerCount of positive disease transmission encounter of an individual (passed to other person)
neg-spreadintegerCount of negative disease transmission encounter of an individual (not passed to other person)
count-spreadintegerCumulative number of daily contacts
count-daily-contactintegerSum of all daily contacts for the actual day (reset each day)
count-daily-transmissionintegerSum of all daily disease transmission encounter for the actual day (reset each day)
count-daily-transmission-persintegerNumber of people with the potential to performing a disease transmission encounter for the actual day (reset each day)
nw-betcenfloatNetwork metrics':' betweenness centrality
nw-eigcenfloatNetwork metrics':' eigenvector centrality
nw-clocenfloatNetwork metrics':' closeness centrality
nw-clucoefloatNetwork metrics':' clustering coefficient
nw-modfloatNetwork metrics':' modularity
  • NetLogo
  • initialisation
  • run-time
Module type
  • Submodel
  • Pre-modern
  • Undifferentiated
  • Nondeterministic
  • Object-oriented
  • European
  • Global
  • demography
  • epidemics
  • household
  • networks
No keywords available
</>Source code



Marek Vlach

Member of community