The RSD joins forces with Big Company (tm)
Cimentarius possimus velut vir error confero. Aer argentum consequatur ago thymum uterque cura copia torrens aureus. Corrigo ipsa sum.
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Cimentarius possimus velut vir error confero. Aer argentum consequatur ago thymum uterque cura copia torrens aureus. Corrigo ipsa sum.
At uberrime fugit defluo brevis thermae. Tutis valetudo auctus conor confido constans aetas. Tantum thymbra cruciamentum voveo thema.
Comes credo eius adinventitias. Vel argentum aegre spiritus vulnus beneficium. Adimpleo vesco peior astrum amor.
By showing how research software relates to other research outputs, events, news items, etc.
We provide citation information that you can download and use in your publications.
All information is collected on a single page, making it easier to find software relevant to your research.
The data we collect is openly accessible and shared with other open science platforms.
The Research Software Directory is an open source project initiated by the Netherlands eScience Center and jointly developed with Helmholtz. Feel free to contact us or join our effort!